Sunday, November 22, 2009

Inquiry plan - post 3

On Friday, November 20th I completed the video part of my inquiry plan. I only got to show a very limited part of my inquiry plan because of the time limits of the video. I showed one part with each student. The first student spent the entire time cheesing at the camera (he loves camera) but did his work well. Both of my students did their very best and I was extremely proud of them. I am currently working on getting the video on the computer but as of now the computers are not recognizing the digital video camera. Our tech person from Ludlow is coming to my room tomorrow to see if he can get it to work. If not I am going to have to transfer it to a DVD and send it through the mail on Tuesday morning. It has been very stressful trying to get all of this videoing done. My students were absent for 2 days (Wed and Thurs) which are the two days I was planning on doing the activity. Friday was a little off for the students because we went swimming that morning and we were all hanging out in the classroom with sweats and hodies on - definitely a different type of day for my students but I am very happy with the way the video turned out.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Inquiry Plan Week 2

My inquiry plan has gotten off to a rough start. After not being able to get consent I finally talked with the parent that I knew would give me the consent to do the work. She is going to sign the consent papers next week for me.
Once I determined the students I did their data sheets
For student number 1, the goals I will be working on with data sheets are
* Identifying colors
* Identifying body parts (nose and eyes)
* Sitting in circle time for 5 minutes
For student number 2, the goals I will be working on with data sheets are
* Working with a peer of adult on a task for 7 or more minutes with 2 or less prompts
* Answering comprehension questions with 80% accuracy
* Pointing to pictures when being read a story

I did the baseline on each goal for the students with the following results
Identifying colors - 0%
Identifying body parts - 0%
Sitting in circle time for 5 minuets with 2 or less prompts - stayed for 2 minutes
Working with a peer or adult on a task for 7 minutes - worked for 3 minutes 45 sec
Answering comp questions with 50% accuracy - answered with 25% accuracny
Pointing to pictures when being read a story - pointed with 50% accuracy

The problem is that there will only be one data sheet for each student because there are only certain ways to work with these students because of their behavior plans and IEP goals.
However I will try a new intervention for each of these goals for each student to work for the inquiry plan.

This plan has had to be worked with and changed but overall it will be an experience in the classroom that will enhance the learning experience for my students which is the overall purpose of this inquiry plan.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Inquiry Plan - 1

This past week I have been working on making the data sheets for my students. Most of the week I spent time determining which students I wanted to work with. Because of parental consent issues, I may only have a choice of 2 students. If I use these two students I can not use the sticker system that I had in place because these students do not respond to stickers. In fact, they respond to very few items and can not sit for a period of time for five stickers. Also, these students have a lot of difficulty with academics so I will be monitoring goals, but over the course of 3 weeks there will not be a change, or maybe a slight change, in the data that I collect.
I have been working on data sheets for both students. However once again I was going to make different data sheets for each student, but if I use the students where I can get parental consent (they are brothers), then there is not an option of more than one data sheet because the goals are very clear cut (i.e. the student will identify the color red; the student will point at their nose; the student will turn the pages in a book, etc.).
However, I am working on getting their data sheets ready - due to staffing this week I will not be able to begin actually collecting data until Wednesday.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


For my blog, article, and video I focused on domain 4b which focuses on maintaining accurate records. This is not only in the realm of IEP keeping which is my biggest area of concern, but also in using assessments, different assessments and the importance of keeping accurate records for all of your students. Keeping accurate records helps you, as a teacher, know where your students are and how far they have come. Below I will write about all 3 of the above (article, blog, video) and post a link where you can view these as well.
1. BLOG:
by: Anthony Cody
• Cody begins by stating that although we have to work towards standardized testing, teachers must also find ways to assess student learning. One form of assessment suggested on this blog are digitial portfolios. Although I like this idea it would not be relevant for my students so I am not going to divulge further information on this topic. The second idea for measuring student learning that is suggested is exhibition. This is “schools and support organizations across the country made their exhibition work public and advocated for the use of exhibitions in their local contexts.”
This would be a great way to show what students are learning, and to have a permanent product database of work your students have done and what they are learning at a certain time in the year.
The best thing about this blog is it gives links to other websites and blogs that would be helpful. For example I went to the Authentic Assessment Toolbox that was put together by Jonathon Mueller ( where I found definitions of assessment, what assessment looks like, examples of rubrics, ect.
I also went to the 2nd link posted on Cody’s blog which was put together by the University of Wisconsin at Stout ( which puts together a list of authentic assessment resources for teachers.
Although there is a lot of information on here that is not relevant to the students I teacher, there are parts of each blog or page that will help me design assessments for my students in rubric form, exhibition form, etc. This blog was very helpful.

• This video was very interesting. It relates to assessment in some way but the way it relates to the domain I am looking at is that in domain 4, one of the main issues is maintaining accurate records. Throughout alternative portfolios I have to maintain accurate records. When one of the speakers on the video starts discussing he says that beyond the SAT students have to problem solve, and think for themselves. On the alternative portfolios this is what my students get to do. It is called the level of complexity that they get scored on. However to accurately portray the level of complexity and their problem solving skills I have to have better record keeping or their responses will not show how intelligent they are.
• It also discusses how students may not have the best ACT scores but show different attributes (i.e. from hands on experience or problem solving) I think this is very important because it shows that if teachers keep accurate records we can know what students really know and what they have really learned by using a data sheet when they do a hands on activity instead of relying on an ACT score. They say that measuring a students progress of projects are more beneficial. This is what I do daily. I measure students progress – however once again this is where my downfall is in that all of my record keeping is not as accurate as it could or should be.
• One other thing that I enjoyed is when they had students read a book and then go discuss it with a stranger which helped them assess if the student was ready to go on to college work. This just shows that people are using Performance Based Testing and that it is beneficial. My students are measured on performance on a daily basis so I felt that I understood and related to this video.

• This article discusses authentic assessment (often referred to as performance based assessment) and how teachers who use it routinely are shown to increase their students scores on tests. What I am going to pull out of this article because I feel it is most relevant to me is that students should not be tested based on pencil and paper tests or writings especially when they are beginning to use computers more. My students are learning to use computers because they do not have writing skills, and when I look at it I don’t think writing skills are something that a lot of students can be assessed on anymore because we do everything on a computer. I for one can type a lot faster than I could ever write. If I was assessed on my writing it would not be good, however my typing is a lot better and more efficient.
• Also in the article it discusses portfolios because in the development of portfolios “had several positive educational outcomes: Students and teachers were more enthusiastic and had a more positive attitude about learning, teachers devoted "substantially more attention" to problem solving and communication (two areas represented by portfolios), students spent more time working in small groups or in pairs, and teachers felt the portfolios afforded them a new perspective on student work.” All of my students do portfolios but in a different manner. We use portfolios for alternative assessment and also to keep their work so we can see where they were at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year. I felt this article was very informative.
After reading all of the above or watching all of the above, I believe that for my inquiry plan I am going to look more into assessment and student record keeping. I am going to look at (for now this may change) taking a couple of my students, designing the best assessment and keeping a portfolio over a few weeks to see how well that works in helping me keep accurate records and data.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Task 4

Pre-Reading activity
* I chose Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities. I chose this because I feel that in my classroom there are some areas that could be improved that would lead to my students being in an environment to better serve them and to help them learn.
* I feel most comfortable with Component 4c: Communicating with Families. I work with students K-6 with Multiple Disabilities. When you work closely with a small group of students in a small school district you get to know them and their families very well. I communicate with my parents through notebooks that are sent back and forth daily, and through phone calls. I call at least 1 parent a week, usually 2, and always for good things and just to see how things are going and to tell them something that their child did that I was very proud of during the week.
* The part that I believe ties in most with my instruction is 4b: maintaining accurate records. A lot of my instruction is based on IEP goals and all of that has to be monitored and has to be monitored closely. Without keeping accurate records, their profess would be difficult, if not almost impossible, to monitor.
* I would like to zero in on component 4b for my instruction because I feel that it does tie in so much with my instruction. I feel like this is a key part of the component for me to have down pat when it comes to working with my students.
*QUESTION FOR MY GROUP: In what ways do you find it best to go about professional growth? What PD’s have you found most useful for your professional growth and development, and how does your school work in time for you to have professional growth and development time?
* How this domain looks in my classroom
* 4a – reflecting on teaching. My paraprofessionals and I often have meetings, informal or formal, that reflect on what we are doing with the students, what is working, what is not working, and any ideas that anyone has to make the lessons work better for the students. I also often take ideas to my principal to see why they aren’t working or to run by ideas of why something didn’t work but what goal I was going for to have a better lesson for the next time.
* 4b: - maintaining accurate records. IEP folders. Each of my students have IEP binders that are very thorough.
* 4c – Communicating with families. Each day I send home a notebook with good or not so positive remarks about the child’s day. I always have 2 positives for every negative if there has to be one. The notebook can then be sent back if the parents have any questions or comments. Also all parents have my phone number and e-mail address to reach me at anytime during the day or evening.
* 4d – Participating in a professional community. I work daily with the Kindergarten, First, and Sixth grade teachers to make sure all is well and that we are collaborating on a level that is most beneficial for my students. I also volunteer my time when needed and coach middle school volleyball and middle school cheerleading for basketball. Also, I have begun to share any information and resources I have with other teachers and through this we all share information and have come about some reliable and fun resources that will work great for our individual students!
4e: Growing and developing professionally. I have a professional growth plan that my principal and I did together. My paraprofessionals and I will be doing a growth plan for them together next week. Also I participate in many PD hours including a recent alternative assessment training, throughout the year.
4f – showing professionalism. This is done daily in my classroom through how I handle my students and how I work with the paraprofessionals and peer tutors in the room. I do my best to maintain an ethical and moral ground that can be looked up to by other teachers and/or staff members.

Task 3

Pre-Reading Questions:
I absolutely believe that every student has a capacity to learn. This capacity is shaped by their home environment, opportunities outside of the school, socialization or extracurricular activities, and if the student has a disability it is also based on the early intervention services that the child received. I believe that as a teacher we have a lot of influence upon the capacity to learn once they reach school. It is part of our job to encourage them and to gear some of our instruction to life experiences that the students may have had. Teachers make a huge difference in students' lives and I feel like every teacher has a chance to influence a students ability and/or capacity to learn.
This assumption shapes my instruction every day. I work with students with Multiple Disabilities but I know they can learn and that they have the capacity to learn many different things. I know it may take longer but I know they can do anything they put their minds to. That attitude and assumption helps me create a positive and encouraging environment for my students that help them learn every day.

Post Reading:
What I got most out of the Resnick and Nelson article was that there are numerous ideas of what intelligence is, how it is measured, and what it consists of. There is no one way to look at intelligence and often it is different with every student. They gain information from the world around them, their school environment, their culture, natural ability, and sometimes it is argued that intelligence is gained if the student puts forth the effort.
Also I enjoyed reading about acquiring habits of mind through socialization. I think this is very important and a huge aspect for students especially those with disabilities. The students have a great need for socializing with their peers. This helps them not only become a part of a group and community but also provides models for how they should act in certain places.
I definitely have a hard time believing that effort creates ability. If effort created ability I know a lot of students that would not know much. However it is getting to know your students and providing the necessary motivation for that student to help them learn and succeed in the classroom.
After reading about the four domains, the one that I would like to learn more about is domain 4. I think reflecting on my teaching is something that I do but I need to follow up on that. Maintaining accurate records is very important with all of my students on IEP’s and communicating with families is extremely important each and every day. Also, I am a third year teacher so I think I really need to focus on growing and developing as a professional throughout my next years as at teacher.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New post!

I think this is how I do a new blog post which should make it easier for everyone to comment - I apologize for just using the same post and commenting for my other tasks :) I was not thinking that through! I got it now though! My task 1 and task 2 are both under my first post.
Thank you!

Friday, August 28, 2009