Sunday, November 22, 2009

Inquiry plan - post 3

On Friday, November 20th I completed the video part of my inquiry plan. I only got to show a very limited part of my inquiry plan because of the time limits of the video. I showed one part with each student. The first student spent the entire time cheesing at the camera (he loves camera) but did his work well. Both of my students did their very best and I was extremely proud of them. I am currently working on getting the video on the computer but as of now the computers are not recognizing the digital video camera. Our tech person from Ludlow is coming to my room tomorrow to see if he can get it to work. If not I am going to have to transfer it to a DVD and send it through the mail on Tuesday morning. It has been very stressful trying to get all of this videoing done. My students were absent for 2 days (Wed and Thurs) which are the two days I was planning on doing the activity. Friday was a little off for the students because we went swimming that morning and we were all hanging out in the classroom with sweats and hodies on - definitely a different type of day for my students but I am very happy with the way the video turned out.


  1. Yes- I know that the videoing has been a challenge but I really hope that you all learn something through this process and it helps us reflect on instruction in a way that just talking about it doesn't let us. Let me know how it goes with the tech person- I am glad that you are happy with it.

  2. Heidi, I agree this video has been stressful. My student didn't want his face shown at anytime during the taping. It took me three days to get verbal permission from parent/guardian. They did give permission but were very cautious because of the confidentiality issue. I can't wait to watch your video. I am sure you did a great job. You are an awesome teacher!

  3. Vivian - I know how you feel. Confidentiality is a big deal at our school and parents do not want their children in pictures let alone video taped. I am glad that we both ended up getting some sort of consent to work into our inquiry plan! Can't wait to see your video!!! :)

  4. I have used my digital camera to take video in my classroom and it works awesome. Maybe if you ever need to video again you could try using a digital camera. Good job in getting your project complete. I can't wait to see the video!
