Sunday, November 15, 2009

Inquiry Plan Week 2

My inquiry plan has gotten off to a rough start. After not being able to get consent I finally talked with the parent that I knew would give me the consent to do the work. She is going to sign the consent papers next week for me.
Once I determined the students I did their data sheets
For student number 1, the goals I will be working on with data sheets are
* Identifying colors
* Identifying body parts (nose and eyes)
* Sitting in circle time for 5 minutes
For student number 2, the goals I will be working on with data sheets are
* Working with a peer of adult on a task for 7 or more minutes with 2 or less prompts
* Answering comprehension questions with 80% accuracy
* Pointing to pictures when being read a story

I did the baseline on each goal for the students with the following results
Identifying colors - 0%
Identifying body parts - 0%
Sitting in circle time for 5 minuets with 2 or less prompts - stayed for 2 minutes
Working with a peer or adult on a task for 7 minutes - worked for 3 minutes 45 sec
Answering comp questions with 50% accuracy - answered with 25% accuracny
Pointing to pictures when being read a story - pointed with 50% accuracy

The problem is that there will only be one data sheet for each student because there are only certain ways to work with these students because of their behavior plans and IEP goals.
However I will try a new intervention for each of these goals for each student to work for the inquiry plan.

This plan has had to be worked with and changed but overall it will be an experience in the classroom that will enhance the learning experience for my students which is the overall purpose of this inquiry plan.


  1. Heidi,
    Wow, I think what you do is awesome with your class. Small steps with big gains for your students. It will take several attempts on achieving the goals but so worth it in the end. Great job!

  2. I really like your baseline data. I think this is valuable and will really help as you work with this student. Can you tell the parents that you will share the video and the information with her- that might be a great way to help the parent better understand what you are doing and make her a partner in this with you- nice collaboration. Good work so far- I like your flexibility and deep thinking about this.

  3. Absolutely! I am going to be going to that parents house for a parent teacher conference next week and can share information and a video if I have one by then. I share all information with this parent and contact her by phone at least once a week. Thanks for the idea about sharing the video!

  4. And report cards fell during the time I was doing this baseline so she will be receiving all of this information on friday in the report cards too :)

  5. Consent form always is a big problem in my school also. I don't know why the parents just don't want their kids to be eaxamed or experimented. I am happy to see you finally got one.
