Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Task 4

Pre-Reading activity
* I chose Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities. I chose this because I feel that in my classroom there are some areas that could be improved that would lead to my students being in an environment to better serve them and to help them learn.
* I feel most comfortable with Component 4c: Communicating with Families. I work with students K-6 with Multiple Disabilities. When you work closely with a small group of students in a small school district you get to know them and their families very well. I communicate with my parents through notebooks that are sent back and forth daily, and through phone calls. I call at least 1 parent a week, usually 2, and always for good things and just to see how things are going and to tell them something that their child did that I was very proud of during the week.
* The part that I believe ties in most with my instruction is 4b: maintaining accurate records. A lot of my instruction is based on IEP goals and all of that has to be monitored and has to be monitored closely. Without keeping accurate records, their profess would be difficult, if not almost impossible, to monitor.
* I would like to zero in on component 4b for my instruction because I feel that it does tie in so much with my instruction. I feel like this is a key part of the component for me to have down pat when it comes to working with my students.
*QUESTION FOR MY GROUP: In what ways do you find it best to go about professional growth? What PD’s have you found most useful for your professional growth and development, and how does your school work in time for you to have professional growth and development time?
* How this domain looks in my classroom
* 4a – reflecting on teaching. My paraprofessionals and I often have meetings, informal or formal, that reflect on what we are doing with the students, what is working, what is not working, and any ideas that anyone has to make the lessons work better for the students. I also often take ideas to my principal to see why they aren’t working or to run by ideas of why something didn’t work but what goal I was going for to have a better lesson for the next time.
* 4b: - maintaining accurate records. IEP folders. Each of my students have IEP binders that are very thorough.
* 4c – Communicating with families. Each day I send home a notebook with good or not so positive remarks about the child’s day. I always have 2 positives for every negative if there has to be one. The notebook can then be sent back if the parents have any questions or comments. Also all parents have my phone number and e-mail address to reach me at anytime during the day or evening.
* 4d – Participating in a professional community. I work daily with the Kindergarten, First, and Sixth grade teachers to make sure all is well and that we are collaborating on a level that is most beneficial for my students. I also volunteer my time when needed and coach middle school volleyball and middle school cheerleading for basketball. Also, I have begun to share any information and resources I have with other teachers and through this we all share information and have come about some reliable and fun resources that will work great for our individual students!
4e: Growing and developing professionally. I have a professional growth plan that my principal and I did together. My paraprofessionals and I will be doing a growth plan for them together next week. Also I participate in many PD hours including a recent alternative assessment training, throughout the year.
4f – showing professionalism. This is done daily in my classroom through how I handle my students and how I work with the paraprofessionals and peer tutors in the room. I do my best to maintain an ethical and moral ground that can be looked up to by other teachers and/or staff members.


  1. Heidi,
    That is great-the communication with your principal. I understand the questions on PD's. How do we fit it all in -especially with what we are doing on the outside of school, and KTIP, and classes! Whoo-wee! It will be interesting to hear suggestions. Also I understand the concern for record keeping of IEP's. We are held accountable for those records and they must be percise and timely. It is a lot of responsibilty. Look forward to working with you in our group!

  2. Great exchange- I am going to get some groups together tomorrow for further exploration of these topics- thanks Heidi for the thorough post-

  3. Hi Heidi... I can tell that you are very organized and your records are probably very well kept. You post is very informational and thank you for the ideas on assessments. I usually choose an area for my Professional Growth Plan from the feedback of my first formal observation, but this year I am not having a formal observation, so I chose to go with what I felt tied into the KY Reading Project I am participating in this year: active engagement. I am actually meeting with my principal tomorrow to go over it. This is something new at our school, going over it one on one so I am looking forward to that. It sounds like you really have a good rapport with the parents! It was nice to read your post:)
